Education | Discipline | Character

School Code (Board) : 1250 | EIIN : 107843
Debate Club

Oct 27, 2023 | Total views : 9918
Debate Club

The debating club which is led by Adamjee Cantonment Public school is known as (ASDC) Adamjee School Debating Club. This club keeps up its reputation, continuous improvement, procedures and ensures success in each and every year. The spontaneous participation of nearly 200 students from both the shifts (Morning and Day) has indeed made this club proactive. The participants often desire to establish an argumentative society through their speech on history, economics, religion, society and politics.

A stout executive council is working in order to improve the club so that the participants get inspiration and feel confident to carry out their activities properly. So, our beloved participants are really thoughtful of witnessing a world which will be free from bloodshed. Rather, it will be a peaceful abode for those who want freedom of speech, Therefore, they are getting enlightened themselves and making their nation prosperous as well. The achievement of (ASDC) in recent events in different academic year has dignified the institution immensely.

/ Club / Debate Club
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